Thursday, July 25, 2019

Invech Token IEO

La necessità di una piattaforma di scambio moderna, progressiva, conveniente e, soprattutto, sicura sta crescendo giorno dopo giorno. Perché i trader/cryptoinvestors di solito hanno conti multipli su borse multiple per non conservare tutte le loro uova in un unico paniere.
Tuttavia, indipendentemente da come diversificano il loro portafoglio, c’è sempre la questione del ritiro e della tassazione. Questo problema frustra le persone che investono nella moneta criptata, in quanto molti ritengono che il reddito generato dalla catena di blocco non debba essere tassato. Ma, come nella legislazione di qualsiasi paese, tutti i redditi DEVONO essere tassati. Speriamo, attraverso, che la nostra decisione sul ritiro dei fondi e sulla tassazione possa aiutare tutti gli investitori nella moneta criptocurrency e quindi creare una comunità cripta più sana in conformità con i regolamenti governativi.

Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange

L’Invech Exchange è un sistema di scambio di valuta criptata approvato dal governo. Lo scambio diventerà la spina dorsale di Blockchain Smart City, guidata dal Gruppo Invech.
Gli scambi Invech consentono agli utenti di accedere a una piattaforma globale; transazioni migliori, più rapide e meno costose, creazione di posti di lavoro, opportunità, ecc. Inoltre, parte degli utili derivanti da tutte le transazioni in borsa saranno pagati a Timor Est attraverso le tasse.
Abbiamo i nostri Invech Coins o IV platform token, che sono costruiti sulla piattaforma ERC20. Come accennato in precedenza, Timor Est sta attualmente perseguendo una politica fiscale senza una propria politica monetaria. In altre parole, non stampano la propria moneta. Usano dollari USA dal 2000. Causa inflazione e instabilità dei prezzi in un paese già povero. Invech spera quindi che Timor Est introdurrà Invech Coins (IV) come valuta secondaria a Timor Est, oltre a USD/IDR e Centavo.
In segno di gratitudine e buona volontà, il 10% dei gettoni sarà inviato a Timor Est attraverso la Fondazione Invech. In questo modo, possono iniziare ad utilizzare la valuta criptata a livello nazionale insieme all’attuale sistema Fiat/sistema di moneta a corso legale. L’uso di Invech Coin (IV) sarà esteso. Dal normale commercio di beni e servizi al pagamento di salari e tasse, fino ai trasferimenti di denaro e al commercio elettronico. La tabella seguente mostra l’uso previsto della moneta criptata a livello nazionale.

La missione del progetto Invech è:

– Introdurre una valuta alternativa attraverso la creazione di Invech Token.
– Attrarre gli investimenti diretti esteri e ridurre il tasso di disoccupazione.
– Regolazione del crowdfunding attraverso processi controllati.
– Sfruttare appieno il turismo e l’agricoltura a Timor Est.
– Migliorare il capitale umano e le capacità locali a Timor Est.
– Fornire consulenza e orientamento al governo su questioni relative alla catena di blocco e alla tecnologia.
– Fornire istruzione e formazione per migliorare le condizioni

Sicurezza degli scambi

Invech prende sul serio la sicurezza. Se sei interessato alla domanda “Invech è sicuro”, il sito web e lo scambio sono conformi ai CCSS per proteggere Invech e tutti i suoi utenti. Il CCSS è lo standard industriale per le grandi borse e le aziende che utilizzano il sistema di gestione della sicurezza delle informazioni (ISMS) ISO 27001*. *L’SGSI è un quadro politico e procedurale che include tutti i controlli legali, fisici e tecnici coinvolti nei processi di gestione del rischio informativo dell’organizzazione

Blockchain Smart City

Blockchain è diventata una delle principali aree tecnologiche quando si tratta di progettare la città intelligente del futuro. In questo momento, è utilizzato in molti settori: dall’economia, alla sanità, alla finanza, alla produzione, alla catena di approvvigionamento e, naturalmente, al governo.
In poche parole, blockchain è un nuovo tipo di database criptato che è decentralizzato, distribuito e inaccessibile. Questo crea un disco digitale sorprendentemente sicuro e facilmente accessibile al pubblico.
Oggi, mentre i paesi si stanno sviluppando con la tecnologia, le città intelligenti di tutto il mondo utilizzano la catena a blocchi come base per migliorare la vita urbana. Abbiamo notizie da Dubai con l’obiettivo di diventare il primo governo ad operare blockchains entro il 2020, il Giappone ha già riconosciuto Bitcoins come mezzo di pagamento, Mosca è diventata una delle prime città al mondo ad utilizzare la blockchain nel suo sistema di voto per eliminare la corruzione e la frode elettorale, ecc.
Una città a catena di blocchi ideale ha un’infrastruttura digitale governativa, un’identificazione digitale affidabile e un controllo sicuro di tutti i dati. Invech può fornire servizi a catena di blocco al governo, che consiste in tutte queste tecnologie, creando un governo digitale con un’infrastruttura digitale e un controllo sicuro dei dati. Fornire il controllo dei propri dati, analizzare i grandi dati e fornire maggiori capacità. Tutto questo è possibile con la catena a blocchi.

Dettagli di vendita

Totale 175.000.000 IV sarà disponibile per la vendita pubblica.
Soft Cap: 75.000.000 di token IV ( USD)
Hard Cap: 175.000.000.di token IV (60.000.000. USD)
Prezzo IEO:
Passo 1: $0.32 (dopo aver applicato uno sconto del 20%)
Passo 2: $0.36 (dopo aver applicato uno sconto del 20%)

Distribuzione dei fondi

Informazioni più dettagliate sul progetto possono essere trovate cliccando sui link:

🔗 Website:
BitcoinTalk Profile Link:;u=2604214

AIO Casino

Herkese merhabalar arkadaşlar, bu yazımda sizlere bahis ve kumar platformunu merkeziyetsiz ve güvenilir blok zincir teknolojisi ile birleştirmiş olan AIO Casino platformundan bahsedeceğim.
Bu resim için metin sağlanmadı
Bitcoin ile hayatımıza giren güvenilir ve şeffaflık odaklı blok zincir teknolojisi, gelişimini hayatın her alanına taşımaya ve insanların günlük işlerinde artan kullanım oranı ile yer bulmaya olağanca hızı ile devam ediyor. Bu bağlamda kullanım kolaylığı oluşturmak amacıyla geliştirilmiş olan AIO Casino platformu, kullanıcılarının online bahis ve kumar faaliyetlerinin şeffaf ve güvenilir bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesini amaç ediniyor. 
Bu resim için metin sağlanmadı
Merkezi sistem bahis platformları sunucuları, tek bir protokol üzerinden gerçekleştirildiği için güvenlik sorunları bakımından büyük handikaplar taşırlar. Çoğu merkezi sistem bahis ve kumar platformları sorunlu kod yapılarından oluşmuş açık kaynak platformlardır. Hack riskleri her zaman olası bir problemdir. Kullanıcılar için yüksek komisyon oranları barındırırlar ve bir denetim mekanizması olmadığı için bu tür yapıların kendi keyiflerine kalmış uygulamalardır. Merkezi sisteme sahip platformlar sunucu erişimlerine sahip oldukları için gerçekten şansınızla yarıştığınız durumunu karşılamayabilirler. Sunucu erişimleri onları bu konuda haksız rekabet sahibi olmayı sağlayabilir. Merkezi sistem kumar ve bahis uygulamaları kullanıcıları, tüm bu handikapların bilincinde olsa bile alternatif eksikliği sebebi ile mecburi şekilde şans arayışlarına bu platformlarda devam ederler. Merkezi sistem bu platformlar data kaynaklarını kullanıcılara açmadıkça, işleyiş hakkında onlarla veri paylaşmadıkça onlar üzerindeki olumsuz bakış açısı ve şüphe sürekli olarak bu şekilde olacaktır. AIO Casino saymış olduğum tüm problemlere blok zincir teknolojisinin şeffaf ve güvenilirliği ile ödeme sorununa çözüm getirmiş çalışan aktif bir platformdur.
AIO, mevcutta bulunan ve kullanılan casino oyunlarını bünyesindeki platforma koymak ve oyuncuların kumarhanenin bir parçası olmasına izin vererek piyasada alternatif olarak tecih edilen bir platform oluşturmak istiyor. Bu daha önce yapılmamış ve oyunculara kısıtlı seçenekler sunulmuştur. 
Oyuncular bu sistem sayesinde sadece mevcutta bulunan tüm oyunları ve piyasaya giren yeni oyunları oynamanının dışında, aslında direkt olarak kullanıcıların istekleri doğrultusunda oluşturulmuş bir online kumar ve bahis platformu oluşturacak. Böylece online bahis tutkunları tarafından daha çok tercih sebebi olma kaasitesine erişmiş bir platform olarak hizmet vermeye koşullanmış bir yapı elde edilecek.
Bu resim için metin sağlanmadı

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WANT Marketplaces

WANT Marketplaces (WNT)

Close the card image
Hello everyone, this new post I want to present in a very interesting and good project called “I want the market”, for more detailed information, let’s move on to the next discussion:
WNT) This token is one manifestation and opportunity for all capital owners to invest large or private funds through intelligent exchange systems in a protected access system. Banks can exchange parts of the blockchain with each other to track suspicious activity and track the flow of transactions. Blocking is allowed to be used to rearrange business processes, such as moving transactions from the front office to the middle, eliminating the need for data reconciliation. New uses include blocking for trade finance, global payments, settlement of securities and commercial real estate.
Data storage technology and workflows on the blockchain have been around since the 1990s. Bitcoin is the first full implementation of the blockchain. Bitcoin was made in 2008 and released in 2009 with open source. These are digital peer-to-peer assets and payment systems without a single failure point
Private and private global shopping, B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C groups, are safe messaging markets for Android and are currently available for the US, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Japan. Launching of other B2C, C2C products in the near future in America, India, Europe, Britain and Southeast Asia. Benipal, the developer of the last 10 years, can use contextual and relational search using images, text and sound. See Pitch Deck and White paper for more information about our incredible search engine technology. Benipal, the most advanced search engine for buyers ever made.
Become part of the global B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C e-commerce markets. Benipal SA was established in March 2009. There are several commercial markets in the B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C segments. We are leaders in the ceramic market in every geographic area.
Why Invest? WANT?

1. Income validity

This project will earn revenue by charging fees to users to trade on various platforms. In the B2B segment, the package that provides a verified buyer and seller database is $ 1999, and users will also pay $ 99 per month for the cost of sending messages. In the US, the package fee will be $ 999, in India – $ 199. Users will also pay a 3% commission for all sales. The project team will hold workshops and training in Asian countries to train entrepreneurs to connect to the Internet and make a list of products in their stores. This training attitude will also be subject to a small fee.

2. The amount of currency received

Projects accept liquid currencies such as: BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, XRP, XMR, LTC.

3. Emission of tokens

In this project there are a number of tokens. During the STO period, 100,000,000 WNT tokens will be available.

4. Discounts for purchasing tokens

Discounts for token purchases are 28%.

5. Roadmap

In the technology map provided, the project objectives until 2020 are indicated. After the ICO, developers will distribute the funds as follows: 15% – “Project development, 10% -” Create office “, 60% -” Marketing “, 5% -” Call center “, 10% -” Project team “

6. SOFT / HARD CAP Ratio

This project has a poor SOFT CAP / HARD CAP ratio, which negatively affects investment attractiveness. SOFT and HARD CAP values ​​are $ 2,000,000 and $ 20,000,000, respectively.

7. Availability of MVP

The project has been developed MVP.

8. Risk and insurance assessments

The Security Token Offer (STO) form stores tokens, which means the provision of security assets, profits, and cash flows. In addition, STO complains with investor law and securities regulations. This increases corporate responsibility, reduces the possibility of unfair behavior on the market and ensures the protection of investor rights, which profitably affects the attractiveness of project investment.

Sales Details for Tokens
Project name: I WANT  
security token Token type: ERC-20   
Platform: Ethereum  
Blockchain Symbol: WNT   
Company name: Benipal SA   
Country: BVI
Operations in the British Virgin Islands: Benipal SA manages B2B, B2C, O2O, C2C ecommerce ecosystems in various countries that are opened in the US, India, Southeast Asia, and the world.
1 Benipal SA Share, BVI Company
Total Shares: 1,000,000,000 limited and equivalent to 1 share for each security token issued
  • Total number of tokens: 1 000 000 000
  • Available for public sales: 100,000,000
  • Detained by the company: 725,000,000
  • Founder: 125,000,000
  • Tim: 47 500 000
  • Erdrope: 2 500 000
  • Soft hat: 2.000.000 dolar AS
  • Target: $ 20.000.000
  • Minimum Offer Price: $ 0.20 per security token /
  • Stock price during private sales: stock prices decrease by 90%
  • Prices before sale: shown at the end of a Personal sale, but not less than $ 0.20.
  • Minimum investment: 1 USD or equivalent
  • Maximum investment: no maximum
  • Accept: bank transfers in US dollars, euros, pounds sterling, CAD, AUD, BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, XRP, XMR
  • 12% dividend, share ownership, possibility of conversion, time, blocked for the company, founder. Tim acceptance schedule.
  • Use of results: New office, Team selection, Work in call centers, Marketing, Technology improvement.
  • Product status: B2B, O2O, C2C market in the United States, India and Southeast Asia.
Until now, and until August 31, 2016, at least $ 50 million is offered. Private sales with SAFT will pay $ 0.18, without SAFT paying $ 0.185.
Historical chronology From March 2009 to the present



Suhbir Benipal
FOUNDER, Technical Director
To find more information, please follow several sources for the following link:

Ethereum address:0xb0cE36EC082A15E3000bb080381E6E4e166dc3E0

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

 The first real Gold Rush on the Blockchain “ GOLDENUGGET”

We will provide Article to present the “ GOLDENUGGET” project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main purpose is to provide information to everyone, so that they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of obtaining token or invest.
GoldeNugget is an existing reality, with over 3,000,000.00 Euro’s already invested in West Africa for earth moving machines for the gold industry. Where you can really feel the dust, the noise, and the smell of business. Where people really have an objective, where people really see actual results in their hands at the end of the day. Call it “Old Economy”, however this business was once the actual value of money, the same money that still today allows you to purchase bread. So why not unite an old dirty but real business with new innovative industry such as Crypto in Switzerland where purchaser can rely on a predictable legal framework. GoldeNugget is the combination of decentralized blockchain technology and the most antique, reliable, value increasing and stable asset: GOLD! GoldeNugget is the first Crypto platform that allows it’s ERC-20 Token (GNTO) holders to purchase or Dutch Auction it’s Mined Gold. Goldenugget is the first Crypto platform that allows its Token (GNTO) holders to purchase or Dutch Auction its Mined Gold.

Video about GoldeNugget :

Our mission is to create a Gold purchasing platform. The Goldenugget platform allows the GNTO Token purchasers the possibility to purchase Gold directly or to participate at Dutch Auctions which will give them the interesting chance to acquire Gold at a favorable price.
To become the most influential innovator in the field of ground mining on the planet, that’s what we aim to be. As you know, ground mining is not an ecological industry, we, at GOLDENUGGET want to revolutionize the industry. From the use of new eco-friendly non-toxic chemicals, and become the most environmentally-friendly miners on the earth, respecting our neighbors and working with them to create and build infrastructure and services so that once the project is finished they will have something to prosper on.

Token Detail
Token Name: Golde Nugget Token
Symbol Token: GNTO
Total GNTO: 30,000,000 GNTO
Available for IEO (Hard Cap): 19,500,000 GNTO
Emission level: New Tokens will not be emitted
Exchange Tokens:
Will not be released on the market for a period of 12 months

Amount Released: Tokens that have been exchanged for Gold on the Goldenugget platform will be released on the market through exchange at market prices.
Conversion rate: 1 GNTO = 1 USD $ or ETH equivalent
Be part of the Crypto revolution and purchase Goldenugget Token right now!
Below you will find two very useful steps to register for the KYC.

Let us try to clean up some confusion for all those who are interested in purchasing our tokens:
  • Utility tokens are tokens which are intended to provide access digitally to an application or service by means of a blockchain-based infrastructure.
  • Securities are tradable financial assets such as bonds, options, shares (stocks), or warrants. Taking the example of stocks, you might understand that it is a way to own a part in a company without taking actual possession of it. FINMA defines Asset Tokens as tokens representing assets such as a debt or equity claim on the issuer. Asset Tokens promise, for example, a share in future company earnings or future capital flows. In terms of their economic function, therefore, these tokens are analogous to equities, bonds or derivatives. Tokens which enable physical assets to be traded on the blockchain also fall into this category
  • Stable Token refers to a new type of cryptocurrencies. Offering price stability they are backed by assets. In recent times, stable Token have gained enough interest, their attempt is to offer the best of both worlds, an instant processing, the security of payments of cryptocurrencies, and to avoid the volatility valuations of Cryptocurrencies.
West African Afro Splendid Minerals Co. Ltd starts with over 3,000,000.00 € Investments

Decision to invest into a Blockchain project is approved

Project Start — Workshop for strategic decisions

Project launch — Blockchain development starts

Definition of name and logo

Project Website development start

Smart Contract prototypes development + Crash Tests

Blockchain completion + Crash Tests

White Paper completion -Token Completion


SRO Affiliation

Gold Sales Start

Dutch Auction Start

Ghana mining operations start 1st Phase. Gravity

Ghana mining operations start 2st Phase. Carbon In Leach

For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :

Profile Link :;u=2604214
Mew : 

Saturday, July 13, 2019


Привет дружище всем! По этому поводу я предоставлю интересную информацию о проекте. AIO Casino интересно
Давайте посмотрим на отзывы ниже
AIO Casino – это казино с криптовалютой, цель которого – подключить все игры, которые могут быть в игровой индустрии, к одной платформе и позволить игрокам участвовать в казино. Решение сделать это, потому что большинство казино предлагают только отобранные команды, и в мире развивающихся игроков, также должны быть вовлечены в успех казино.
Aiocasino хочет установить стандарты для Crypto Casino, где игроки могут не только играть во все виды новых игр и игр, но и непосредственно участвовать в успехе казино.
Монеты AIO – это токены на основе Ethereum Blockchain ERC-20, которые позволяют вам зарабатывать больше выигрышей в казино. Мы решили создать монеты на блокчейне Ethereum, потому что этот блокчейн является известным, безопасным и универсальным решением, обеспечивающим высокий уровень прозрачности и разнообразные способы обеспечения безопасности и хранения токенов для их владельцев.
Цель AIO Casino – предложить казино, которые предлагают не только игры для игроков, но также предлагают казино, позволяющие игрокам стать частью казино.
Казино, которые не только предлагают небольшие коллекции игр, но также разрабатывают или поддерживают создание новых игр.
Это дает игрокам большое разнообразие, чего нет в большинстве казино.
Это проще, чем вы думаете, но многие традиционные и современные криптовалютные казино все еще используют одну и ту же игру.

Платформа AIO Casino:

Важной частью AIO Casino является игра, а также разработка новых игр,
которые были добавлены позже. В нашей альфа-версии будут доступны игры AIO Dice, AIO Moon и AIO Spin. Между тем, есть также планы по разработке игры AIO Lottery. Казино AIO будет работать под лицензией Softswiss White Label.

Игра: AIO говорит:

Эта игра называется Дади, но это не игра удачи и случайности, где обычно используются простые кубы с пронумерованными сторонами. Вместо этого это криптографически ориентированная игра в кости, в которой вы имеете больший охват и большую лояльность (0–99).

Пример: AIO Spin AIO Spin:

Игра довольно простая. У игрового колеса будет определенное деление, из которого можно
ожидать определенных выгод. Возможно, мы разработаем игровое колесо так, чтобы было 4 варианта ставок. Он распределяется в зависимости от уровня приза на игровом велосипеде, и если игрок делает правильный выбор ставок, он выигрывает.

Название: AIO Moon:

На AIO Moon игроки должны делать ставки на число, а после начала игры – на значение месяца.
будет расти и перестать расти случайно. Игрок должен прекратить исчезать, прежде чем “Стоп идти вверх”, в противном случае пользователь проиграет
Пользователь сможет выбрать месяц, нажав кнопку СТОП. Значение месяца будет независимым и случайным между 1.00x и 9999x.
Если вы добьетесь успеха в течение нескольких месяцев, оплата будет в соответствии со стоимостью LUNA. Потери будут уменьшены соответственно.

AIO Token:

Монеты AIO – это токены ERC-20, основанные на блокчейне Ethereum.
Основная функция токенов AIO – получать дивиденды от казино, если вы хотите «заморозить» валюту.

Функция замораживания:

Эта опция является одной из специальных функций для токенов AIO. Замораживая монету, пользователь действительно получает.
заморозьте свои монеты и получите дивиденды от казино. Если пользователь блокирует токены AIO, этот токен будет храниться в течение 24 часов. Через 24 часа пользователь получает свои первые дивиденды. Кроме того, пользователи могут «обналичить» свои токены AIO. Дивиденды выплачиваются на учетную запись пользователя каждые 12 часов. Дивиденды генерируются комиссионными ставками.

Метрический токен:

  • Имя: AIOcasino
  • Символ токена: AIO
  • Общее количество поставок: 2 900 000 AIO
  • Объем продаж: 2.320.000 AIO
  • Используется блокчейн: Ethereum
  • Стандарт токена: ERC20
  • TokenSalePrice: будет объявлено 175 000
  • мягкий шлем $ 635,000 $ шлем

Распределение токенов:

  • Продажа токенов – 60%
  • Предпродажа – 10%
  • Маркетинговая программа и добра – 5%
  • Команды и консультанты – 10%
  • Фонд компании – 15%

Дорожная карта:

  • 1 квартал 2019 года
Разработка продукта / концепция
Разработка токенов
  • Q2 2019
Издание белой книги
Релиз сайта
Запуск программы Bounty
Частная продажа и публичная оферта токенов
  • 3 район 2019
Первые списки действий
Разработка и выпуск альфа-версии AIO Casino
Апуск игр: AIO Dice, AIO Moon, AIO Spin
AIO разработка лотерей и игр для казино
  • Q4 2019
Публичная бета-версия AIO Casino Public
Расширение глобального рынка, исследования, развитие клиентов, маркетинговая кампания
Выпуск системы лотереи AIO
  • 1 район 2020
AIO Casino с полной функциональностью
Расширения игры
Улучшения платформы
Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже:

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